Q4 wasn’t the best showing for the “premier” crypto exchange. The financials weren’t great, the earnings call was boring, and regulation continues to be a major factor.
The SEC have put staking, the process of locking up crypto to secure the blockchain in return for coin rewards, firmly in their crosshairs.
The regulators at the SEC believe that BUSD is a security and that Binance and Paxos are violating investor protection laws by not registering the asset with the SEC.
Is this another case of dysfunction, or is decentralized governance actually working this time?
It's currently impossible to withdraw staked Ethereum. The Shanghai update changes this. After the upgrade, all 16.5 million staked Ethereum will be able to be withdrawn.
The Ethereum layer-2 (L2) rollup is up a staggering ~204% in 2023, and now, its much-anticipated Bedrock upgrade is officially up for a vote.
In a new statement, the Biden administration unveiled its thoughts on the industry, its roadmap for regulation, and what it thinks Congress should be doing regarding crypto.
On the one hand, this is one of the most exciting and controversial things to happen to bitcoin in quite some time. On the other, it may be an illegitimate use of a technology that should be used to democratize money.
The move brings one of bitcoin’s best use cases, remittances, to one of the world’s largest remittance markets.
Genesis has $150 million in cash on hand (plus $500 million in digital assets, and $385 million in shares in brokerage accounts) to fund the bankruptcy proceedings. Considering the herculean task ahead, they’ll likely need every penny.
To make money in crypto, you don’t have to rely on crazy small-cap coins or sketchy public companies. There's another way.
Two of crypto’s biggest stablecoin players may be teaming up.